
New Year Resolutions 2020

As the new year comes close, everyone has just two things on their minds – new year plans and new year resolutions. 

Once your new year plans are sorted, you move on to the resolution bit. Now, people wait all year for the 365th day to end their year on a good note, and look then they forward to starting off the new year with good vibes and big plans. This is also the ideal time inculcate new habits, especially the healthy ones. 

Already have some resolutions in mind? Want some more ideas to have a better lifestyle for a fitter you? 

Here are some new year resolutions you can resolve to follow:

1. Drink more water

It goes without saying that this tops the list of resolutions (every year) every person should follow. A happy and healthier ‘you’ is possible with a good amount of water intake. 

2. Exercise

One of the most important pillars of a good lifestyle is working out. Make exercising and calorie burning a part of your daily regime, and see the wonders. 

3. Eat organic

Organic is the way to go! Ditch the regular, adulterated ingredients and choose organic products. We offer chemical-free, pesticide-free, 100% organic ingredients with the authentic flavors of India. Organic products are hearty and tasty for every recipe. 

4. Have a positive mindset

Another important pillar of a good lifestyle is the mindset. When someone is positive and happy, they are fit mentally as well as physically. 

5. Cut the clutter

Not just from your desk, but also from your life. This New Year, cut off bad habits and toxic people. Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you, and let 2020 bloom. 

We wish you all a Happy New Year. 

Also, we would like to know your resolutions for the year 2020. Tell us now.